How do I determine the correct orientation of an emoticon?
Published October 24, 2013•Updated October 7, 2016
Each text-based emoticon has a specific orientation. If you view an emoticon the wrong way, it might not make sense. Therefore, each emoticon listed on Slangit includes the correct orientation. Just click the "More info" link next to the emoticon to view the orientation ("Direction") of the emoticon and other information.
There are five different types of orientations, which are described below.
- Left to right - the most common orientation of text-based emoticons; if you turned these emoticons 90° clockwise, they would be right side up. Examples:
- :-) (happy)
- ~===| (candle)
- =8>-()< (turkey)
- Right to left - these "backwards" emoticons would be right side up if you turned them 90° counterclockwise. Examples:
- (-: (happy)
- <3 (heart)
- <Oo* (ice cream cone)
- Vertical - emoticons with a vertical orientation are the easiest to view since they already appear right side up. Examples:
- O.o (confused)
- \m/>.<\m/ (rocker)
- |_P (cup)
- Overhead - these emoticons represent the overhead view of a person or object, as if you were looking at them from above. Examples:
- [-o< (praying)
- [|] (kleenex)
- /O (rimshot)
- Text - emoticons listed as "text" are not typical emoticons, but instead are shortcuts that display small images in online chat sessions. Examples:
- :smile: (smile)
- *SHOCKED* (shocked)
- (mo) (money)
By understanding the different types of orientations listed above, you can make sense of text-based emoticons, no matter how they are displayed.