To be at
I want 2b@ the show, but I can't make it
No worries, you can catch next month's!
TMW you're supposed 2B@ work
Related Slang
WRU | Where are you |
WRU@ | Where are you at? |
BH@ | Be home at |
MU@ | Meet you at |
1174 | Meet in person at |
MMA | Meet me at |
TWMA | Till we meet again |
Most often, people use 2B@ when asking when and/or where they need to be somewhere. In this acronym, the 2 stands for "to," the b stands for "be," and the @ stands for "at."
For example, if you invited a friend over to play video games but didn't specify a time, they may ask "What time do u want me 2B@ ur place?" Or, if your SO wants you home at a particular time, but you can't remember when, you could ask "What time do you need me 2B@ home?"