Cash Me Outside
Come outside and I'll beat you
You need to check yourself!
Cash me outside

Related Slang
How bow dah | How about that |
Crash your squad | Join your group of friends |
Fo shizzle | For sure |
Go viral | To become popular on the Internet |
Meme | A piece of media that spreads via the Internet |
I can't even | I don't know what to say |
Cray | Crazy |
Cash me outside is a phrase used to confront someone you have beef with and challenge them to a fight outside. It was made famous by Danielle Peskowitz Bregoli when she challenged the audience on Dr. Phil in September 2016.
Danielle, who was 13 years old at the time, was on the show because she was stealing her mom's car and taking part in other illegal activities. At one point in the interview she turns on the audience, calling them "hoes," and challenging them to fight outside with the "cash me outside" line. She then says "how bow dah?", which is another phrase that became famous. Since she has a thick "street" accent, "catch" became "cash" and some people also think she says "ousside" instead of "outside."
The phrase did not go viral until February 2017, approximately 5 months after the episode aired. The phrase popped up in memes and on social sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.