Liberal Tears
Complaints from a liberal
Gimme a break, save your liberal tears for someone who actually cares

Related Slang
Snowflake | A sensitive person |
lib | Liberal |
Lefties | Liberals |
IOKIYAD | It's OK if you're a Democrat |
Lamestream media | Lame mainstream media |
Tree hugger | A person who cares about the environment |
Get woke | Become aware of social issues |
IOKIYAR | It's OK if you're a Republican |
Liberal tears are complaints from a left-leaning person, known as a liberal or Democrat. The complaints are typically about something that a right-leaning person, also known as a conservative or Republican, said or did.
The phrase was created by conservatives to mock liberals as weak, crying whiners who have the IQ of a baby. "Liberal tears" is often used on social sites, like Facebook and Twitter, in response to a leftie politician, activist, or celebrity.