What does NOYFB stand for?

None of your freaking business


People who are fiercely private will likely use "NOYFB" when messaging to tell others to mind their own business. It often appears in texts or online messages responding to intrusive questions or when the recipient is in a particularly foul mood (or a combination of the two).

NOYFB is a more intense version of NYB and NOYB and is typically reserved for situations where the person is extremely agitated. Examples of questions that might provoke a NOYFB response include inquiries about someone's employment status, relationship status, or weight (especially a woman's weight). If you do receive NOYFB, you should probably tread lightly and back off so as not to poke the "bear."


u got a gf yet or wut?

That NOYFB look

Related Slang


Updated August 2, 2024

NOYFB definition by

This page explains what the acronym "NOYFB" means. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the team.

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