Seriously, yuck! Urp!
A man who is about to urp
Related Slang
ITIGBS | I think I'm going to be sick |
PTSB | Pass the sick bucket |
STMS | Sick to my stomach |
ugh | Disappointed |
SHID | Slaps head in disgust |
Facepalm | To place your palm on your face in embarrassment |
WTMI | Way too much information |
Yikes | Wow |
To urp means to vomit, barf, spew, upchuck, or lose your lunch. If someone sends you "Urp!" in a chat or text message, it means whatever you just told them has made them feel (at least mentally) sick.
Urp is not the classiest of terms, but when you want to convey that something has disgusted you or grossed you out, urp certainly gets the job done. Just don't be surprised if your use of urp makes the person you're speaking with want to urp as well.