To place your palm on your face in embarrassment
Seriously, that's the best they could do!? *facepalm*
Captain Jean-Luc Picard facepalming in Star Trek: The Next Generation
Related Slang
Headdesk | Extreme frustration |
SMH | Shaking my head |
SMH | Smash my head |
BMBO | Blow my brains out |
Owned | Dominated |
Served | Owned |
Douchebaggery | Obnoxious behavior |
Airhead | Stupid |
Facepalm means to put the palm of your hand on your face to show embarrassment. The gesture is also often used in disgust, irritation, surprise, and shock.
Facepalm may be typed in a chat room or email often in reaction to an embarrassing event to communicate what you are doing IRL. It also commonly appears in emoticon form as (/ _ < ).