Away from keyboard
afk right now, bbiab
sounds good. ttyt
AFK means "away from keyboard"
Related Slang
AFC | Away from computer |
AYT | Are you there? |
G2P | Got to pee |
BRB | Be right back |
BBIAB | Be back in a bit |
BBL | Be back later |
GFN | Gone for now |
BI5 | Back in five |
LAM | Leave a message |
DND | Do not disturb |
BAK | Back at keyboard |
WB | Welcome back |
AFK is a quick way to communicate that a user is temporarily not at their computer. People commonly use AFK in various digital communication platforms, such as online chat sessions and games, to let others know they won't be able to respond immediately (without needing to provide further details).
For example, AFK is a courteous way to inform others when you need to step away from the computer for a moment. Whether it's to grab a snack, use the bathroom, attend to personal matters, or take a break, AFK helps manage expectations and prevents confusion or frustration among other participants who might otherwise wonder why someone is not responding. Overall, AFK is a convenient and respectful way to signal a temporary pause in activity, similar to AFC and BRB.
Origin of AFK
The slang term "AFK" originated from Internet Relay Chat (IRC) in the late 1980s (one of the earliest publications of AFK is from 1989 in the Fidonet online newsletter). The gaming community, especially massively multiplayer online games (MMOs), adopted AFK in the 1990s to communicate to other players that they have temporarily stopped participating in the game.