Got to pee
g2p ... be back in a little bit
K, don't fall in
A woman who is about to drop G2P in chat
Related Slang
G2GP | Got to go pee |
G2PB | Got to pee badly |
GGP | Gotta go pee |
ATPM | About to pee myself |
PMP | Peed my pants |
POC | Piece of crap |
b/r | Bathroom |
TMI | Too much information |
AFK | Away from keyboard |
Someone who sent you the message G2P has "got to pee." This more-specific version of AFK lets you know exactly why a person is away from their keyboard (and also, may be TMI).
If the person who sent you G2P doesn't return quickly, they may have intended G2P to mean "got to poo." Either way, they should return ASAP.