Nobody comes at Vanessa without going through me first. She's my bish 4 life
When you need to know the dirt from your BFF
Related Slang
Gurl | Girl |
Squad | Group of friends |
BFF | Best friends forever |
Bestie | Best Friend |
Crew | Group of friends |
GNO | Girls' night out |
Biffles | Best friends for life |
Twinsies | Two people who share a common trait |
BFAW | Best friend at work |
BFF4L | Best friends forever for life |
Bish is a nicer version of "b****" that is considered a term of endearment. It is most often utilized among a squad of female besties or male gay friends.
Bish rose in popularity in the mid-2000s as a workaround to the correct spelling of "b****," which is censored. This spelling still resembles the correct word, and even sounds like it, but is off just a little bit to avoid the NSFW label in the workplace and school.
While it can be used in a derogatory manner, it is primarily used as a playful reference to people you care for, to some degree. Examples of bishes include a childhood friend, a BFF, a new friend at the club, or sorority sisters.