Not safe for work
When you watch something NSFW and are not ready for it
Related Slang
NSFL | Not safe for life |
PNSFW | Probably not safe for work |
TSFW | Totally safe for work |
XTL | Cross the line |
LBVS | Laughing but very serious |
PC | Politically correct |
Troll | A person who posts offensive comments |
Trolling | Posting offensive comments |
Permabanned | Permanently banned |
SFS | Sorry for spam |
NSFW | Not suitable for women |
Not suitable for women
While many people use NSFW to mean "not safe for work," some may also use it as a spoof to stand for "not suitable for women." For example, if you have a guys' weekend and your wife wants to join, you might message her, "This weekend is NSFW, sorry. :("
You will likely see NSFW in online messages, emails, or texts. You may also encounter it on social media or in forums when people joke about stereotypical guy stuff, like hunting and playing poker.
People may use NSFW in a sexist or condescending way, affecting how others receive it. For example, if your friend texts a group about an upcoming sports-related hangout that is NSFW, females in the group that like sports too may be annoyed about being excluded just for being women.
Peter Griffin's NSFW fort
Related Slang
BNO | Boys' night out |
BOGSAT | Bunch of guys sitting around talking |
Bromance | Deep friendship between two or more males |
MOTSS | Members of the same sex |
XTL | Cross the line |
LUM | Love you, man |
ILUM | I love you man |
NSFW | Not safe for work |
NSFW means not safe for work. It is an acronym that accompanies web content that is not suitable for a work environment.
NSFW usually appears next to a link to the content on a website or email to warn the reader that the content may be considered inappropriate. An example of NSFW content is a website that contains profanity or other objectionable material. The term may also be used to describe offline things such as alcohol or loud music.