it's cold outside! i need to cover my dome
yeah, u got not hair to keep that heat in

Related Slang
Domed | Headshotted |
GS | Good shot |
HOAS | Heck of a shot |
HS | Headshot |
NS | Nice shot |
oneshot | Beat in one attempt |
NMH | Nodding my head |
SMH | Shaking my head |
SHID | Slaps head in disgust |
Bed head | Unkempt hair |
imma | I'm gonna |
u | You |
FPS | First-person shooter |
Much like a dome is the roof on top of a building, dome is the top of a person's body, more specifically, their "head." People may use dome in various contexts, whether when messaging online, texting, or in real life. For example, you may be at the beach on a sunny day without a hat, and your friend says, "you want some sunscreen for your dome before you get burnt?"
While people often use dome as a noun, they may also use it as a verb (domed), mainly when gaming and someone shoots another person in the head in an FPS game. For example, a gamer may exclaim, "tom just domed terrence for the 3rd time. imma die laffin."