NMH has 2 meanings
Not much here
What's up with you?
NMH, pretty much the same old, same old
That NMH feeling
Related Slang
NM | Not much |
N/M/H | Nothing much here |
N2M | Not too much |
nufn | Nothing |
NMU | Not much, you? |
NMJC | Nothing much, just chillin' |
NMJCY | Not much, just chilling, you? |
JC | Just checking |
sup | What's up |
Chillax | Chill and relax |
Nodding my head
NMH is a texting and chatting acronym that means nodding my head. It is most commonly used to express approval and agreement.
NMH is a convenient way to say, "I disagree," "I can't believe it," or "Not again..." It comes from the real life nod to convey agreement without actually saying anything. It is the opposite of the popular SMH acronym.
TGIF! Can't wait for the movie tonite!
NMH means nodding my head
NMH stands for "not much here," which is a quick way to say it's pretty calm or boring where you are. It may also appear as NM, N/M/H, or NMHJC.
NMH is most often used online and in text messages, typically in response to a question like "What's going on?" It is most often used as another way to say that you are bored and able to do something, like go to a movie or take a road trip.
Some other alternatives to NMH include NMHJC, BOOMS, brd, BTD, and WB. Be careful who you send "NMH" to if you are an introvert because they may ask you to hang out.