Laughing my freaking a** off peeing in my pants
When I heard what happened, I was LMFAOPIMP. It was so funny! Unfortunately, I didn't bring any spare pants
You shouldn't have laughed so hard, Porky
Related Slang
LMFAO | Laughing my freakin' a** off |
PIMP | Peeing in my pants |
LMAO | Laughing my a** off |
FOFLMAO | Falling on the floor laughing my a** off |
LMFBO | Laughing my fat butt off |
ROFLMBWAO | Rolling on floor laughing my big white a** off |
ROTFLMFAO | Rolling on the floor laughing my f****** a** off |
LMHO | Laughing my head off |
OMGROFLMAO | Oh my gosh, rolling on the floor laughing my a** off |
LMFAOPIMP stands for "laughing my freaking a** off peeing in my pants." It is a combination of LMFAO and PIMP that is designed to convey a very specific (and absurd) image.
LMFAOPIMP may have the distinction of being the grossest common variation of LMAO, but it is not the most specific. That honor goes to ROFLMAOWEC, which means ... well, you should just click the link to find out.