LMHO has 2 meanings
Laughing my head off
Did you see what Mr. H was wearing today? LMHO

Related Slang
LMAO | Laughing my a** off |
LMSO | Laughing my socks off |
LMFHO | Laughing my freakin' heart out |
LMFBO | Laughing my fat butt off |
OTFLMAO | On the floor laughing my a** off |
ROFLMRO | Rolling on the floor laughing my rear off |
LTHTT | Laughing too hard to type |
Laughing my hiney off
LMHO is an acronym that stands for "laughing my hiney off," which is a cleaner variation of LMAO. It is used to tell someone that what you read, saw, or heard was so funny that you think your rear will fall off from laughing so hard.
LMAO is by far the most popular way to say that you are going to lose your bottom from laughing so much. But LMHO and LMBO are more kid-friendly, cleaner variations that don't require earmuffs.
I was lmho when he tried to go off that jump on a tricycle
Shaq is laughing his hiney off
Related Slang
LMBO | Laughing my butt off |
ALOL | Actually laughing out loud |
CSL | Can't stop laughing |
555 | Ha ha ha |
LMSO | Laughing my socks off |
haha | Laughing |
lawl | LOL |
FAH | Funny as heck |
TFF | Too freakin' funny |
LMHO is an acronym that stands for "laughing my head off," which is a variation of the popular LMAO acronym. It is typically used after reading, seeing, or hearing something so funny that you think your head will fall off from laughing so hard.
LMHO is not a very common acronym so beware of who you use it with, because it may be confusing. Also, instead of laughing your head off, the "H" may instead refer to your "hiney" as in "laughing your hiney off."