Same place, same time
Does SPST work for next week's meeting?

Related Slang
SOSO | Same old, same old |
SOS | Same old stuff |
SSDD | Same stuff, different day |
Ditto | Same |
DDSOS | Different day, same old stuff |
ANFSCD | And now for something completely different |
mtg | Meeting |
When someone asks you to meet at the SPST, they want to meet at the "same place, same time." This acronym can be used to refer to an IRL or cyber meetup.
For example, if a co-worker asks you "SPST tomorrow?" in a meeting follow-up email, it means they want to continue your meeting at the same place and time tomorrow. Or, if your SO sends you "SPST for lunch?," it means they want to meet at your usual lunch spot, at your usual time.