U srsly don't want to go, or RU joking?
But guise, RLY
Related Slang
srs | Serious |
AYS | Are you serious? |
IDS | I'm dead serious |
LBVS | Laughing but very serious |
RUS | Are you serious |
RYFS | Are you freakin' serious? |
AYKM | Are you kidding me? |
BST | But seriously though |
Srsly is an abbreviation for "seriously." You can srsly use srsly whenever you'd use "seriously," including when you want to emphasize your opinion or ask someone whether they're being serious.
When someone sends "srsly?" to ask whether you're serious, you can respond with IDS if you're dead serious or JK if you were kidding. If you want to leave the person you're chatting with mildly confused, you can respond with LBVS.