A significant other you work out with
Having a swolemate has been great motivation for getting to the gym

Related Slang
Swole | Very muscular |
Swoll | Muscular |
Beefcake | A muscular person |
Seltering | Sticking out your rear in a fitness pose |
Flex | To show off |
BBF | Body by Fisher |
Relationship goals | An admirable relationship |
A swolemate is a romantic partner and gym buddy in one. Gym rats who are in (or looking for) love may discuss getting swole with their swolemate on social media. Frequently, these posts include pics of the happy couple flexing or pumping iron together.
Swolemate, of course, is a portmanteau of swole and soulmate. Some clever workout wordsmith decided to smash these words together, to describe the act of smashing their #fitness goals with their SO.
Less frequently, those who have a dedicated gym buddy who is not their SO may refer to that person as their swolemate. These swolemate relationships are more akin to bromances or womances.