Take care 'cause I care
See you next week!
Sounds good. TCCIC
A man who is about to send TCCIC
Related Slang
BTCHF | Bye, take care, have fun |
TC | Take care |
TCFN | Take care for now |
TCWB | Take care, write back |
TCOY | Take care of yourself |
BSTS | Better safe than sorry |
Treat yo self | Take care of yourself |
Someone who loves you (or at least likes you) may use TCCIC to mean "take care 'cause I care." This person wants you to take care of yourself, because you're special to them!
Typically, TCCIC is used as a sign-off, signifying that a conversation is over. So you don't have to respond to TCCIC, though you may want to send back a brief "thx, u2."