Take care, write back
It was good hearing from you! TCWB
TCWB means "take care, write back"
Related Slang
WB | Write back |
WBP | Write back please |
WBS | Write back soon |
WBWYC | Write back when you can |
XOXO | Hugs and kisses |
NNTR | No need to reply |
RB | Reply by |
VSRE | Very short reply expected |
DWB | Don't write back |
TC plus WB yields TCWB, which means "take care, write back." This acronym is typically used at the end of an email message, to prompt the recipient to WBS.
You're most likely to receive TCWB in an email from a dear friend or family member, who both cares about you and wants to hear from you. If you receive TCWB in an email, you should write back ASAP. That way, the person who sent you TCWB won't worry about you (and also, you might make their day when they receive your response).