Write back please
It would be good to hear how you are doing, so WBP!
A girl who has just been asked to WBP
Related Slang
WB | Write back |
WBS | Write back soon |
WBWYC | Write back when you can |
TCWB | Take care, write back |
WMB | Write me back |
MMB | Message me back |
TMB | Text me back |
DWB | Don't write back |
NNTR | No need to reply |
When you receive an email, chat, or text message that ends with WBP, it means "write back please." This acronym is an extended and more polite version of WB.
Someone who is both concerned and courteous enough to send WBP shouldn't be kept waiting. So if you've been asked to WBP, you should likely do so ASAP.