A sensitive Trump supporter
These trumpflakes making fun of libs are just as fragile!

Related Slang
Snowflake | A sensitive person |
Liberal tears | Complaints from a liberal |
lib | Liberal |
Lefties | Liberals |
IOKIYAD | It's OK if you're a Democrat |
Lamestream media | Lame mainstream media |
Tree hugger | A person who cares about the environment |
Get woke | Become aware of social issues |
IOKIYAR | It's OK if you're a Republican |
A trumpflake is a term used to negatively describe a person who supports Trump and is easily angered. The term is a variation of the snowflake term used to describe a young person, probably liberal, who is easily offended.
The trumpflake term was created to turn the snowflake term against the people who often use it, which are ususally older conservatives. Trumpflake plays off the fragility of a snowflake that easily melts when coming in contact with an object much like how some Trump supporters are too emotionally vulnerable to deal with challenging views.