What does ASAYC stand for?

As soon as you can

What are you doing reading this definition? The person who sent you ASAYC (as soon as you can) wants you to drop everything and take care of their thing. You don't have time to read Internet content!

Of course, if the person really wanted you to act quickly, they should have used ASAP instead of ASAYC. Then you wouldn't have had to waste time looking up ASAYC's definition ...


Come over here ASAYC
ASAYC means "as soon as you can"
ASAYC means "as soon as you can"

Related Slang


Updated November 10, 2021

ASAYC definition by

This page explains what the acronym "ASAYC" means. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the team.

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