Got to go get something to drink
Throat's dry, G2GGS2D
A man who's G2GGS2D
Related Slang
IDTT | I'll drink to that |
AFK | Away from keyboard |
ISH | I'm so hungry |
Fungry | F****** hungry |
Panic drink | A person's default drink |
Zooze | Drinking with friends over Zoom |
Cheers | Congratulations |
TOIOM | This one is on me |
G2GGS2D is a very specific acronym that means "got to go get something to drink." The person who sent you this acronym is thirsty, likely because they've been sitting at their computer too long.
Rather than sending G2GGS2D, the person you're chatting with could have sent BRB, JAS, HOAS, or any number of more-understandable acronyms. Instead, they chose to let you know they'll be AFK in one of the most confusing ways possible.