Gentlemen only, ladies forbidden
Just so you know, the party is a GOLF affair
Ah, I can't make it then. Kara's been having a bad time recently; don't want to leave her alone
A man who frequently hosts GOLF events
Related Slang
Pig | A sexist male |
Broseph | A male friend |
Brotastic | Fantastic |
Bromance | Deep friendship between two or more males |
Brah | Friend |
CSB | Cool story, bro |
As an acronym, GOLF stands for "gentlemen only, ladies forbidden." Men might use this acronym when referring to a guys-only get-together or social group.
For example, if your bro is planning a movie night, he might tell you "Sat's movie night is GOLF; no wives or GFs allowed." This means only guys are meant to attend the movie night (which may be a problem for those whose wives and girlfriends wanted to attend).