Hot for you
h4u! u look great today
thx, babe. u 2!
Pam probs sends H4U to Jim
Related Slang
2H2H | Too hot to handle |
PDH | Pretty darn hot |
PHAT | Pretty hot and tempting |
DURS | Dang you are sexy |
OMFGYASB | Oh my freaking gosh, you're a sexy beast |
USB | You sexy b**** |
DURS | Dang you are sexy |
Hottie | An attractive person |
Sugarpic | Erotic photo |
Sext | Sexually explicit message |
thx | Thanks |
H4U is one of those corny acronyms people may send to others (typically women) they find attractive when they can't think of a more eloquent alternative. You will likely encounter it online, especially on dating sites, like Tinder or eharmony.
For example, you might meet a guy online and after a couple minutes of going through your pics online, he mssages you, "do you like me? im h4u." However, some people may also use it in committed relationships to remind them that they still find them desirable. For example, a girlfriend or wife may send it to her boyfriend or husband.