How old are you
HORU and what state do you live in?
... um, I don't feel comfortable telling you that
A boy asking HORU
Related Slang
ASL | Age, sex, location |
ASLP | Age, sex, location, picture |
ASLR | Age, sex, location, race |
OL | Old lady |
OM | Old man |
LOL | Little old lady |
DOM | Dirty old man |
Jailbait | Attractive underage person |
In chat rooms, people use HORU to ask "how old are you?" You might encounter this acronym while chatting with a new acquaintance or friend, who wants to get to know you better.
However, while there are a variety of reasons someone might want to know your age online, some of them aren't very wholesome. So be sure to think carefully before deciding whether to answer HORU.