Age, sex, location, race
I'd love to meet you in person. ASLR?
34, female, Texas, white
Looking for someone's ASLR
Related Slang
NASL | Name, age, sex, location |
ASL | Age, sex, location |
A/S/L | Age/sex/location |
ASLP | Age, sex, location, picture |
20 | Location |
LMIRL | Let's meet in real life |
MIRL | Meet in real life |
DM | Direct message |
Slide into your DMs | To send a direct message on Twitter |
DOM | Dirty old man |
Facestalking | Looking through someone's pictures on Facebook |
awks | Awkward |
perv | Pervert |
HORU | How old are you |
If you are chatting with someone in an online chatroom, they may ask for your "ASLR" to know your age, sex, location (where you live), and race. They send it to get a better idea of what you physically look like instead of just your online presence.
ASLR is one of several online chatroom acronyms and abbreviations (ASL, stats, ASLNP, etc.) people send to get a better idea of what another person looks like in real life (IRL). People may send ASLR as a standalone question or as part of a whole sentence.
Some people may consider an ASLR request too invasive because they are concerned about privacy. However, many netizens expect it and welcome the inquiry as a sign the sender is romantically interested.