In before the lock
User1: Whatever, I think he's the worst candidate ever. He doesn't care about anything!
User2: Dude, you need to grow up and start to think for yourself
User3: IBTL!!!!!
Admin: Thread closed, too much ad hominem
Related Slang
b4 | Before |
ABP | Already been posted |
c/p | Crosspost |
CNP | Continued next post |
bump | Forum post message bump |
inb4 | In before |
sysadmin | System administrator |
AMA | Ask me anything |
AITA | Am I the a**hole |
In web forums, IBTL typically stands for "in before the lock." You're most likely to encounter this acronym in heated threads and discussions, which users think will be locked by a forum's mods.
What can get a thread locked?
Flame wars, trolling, and personal attacks can all lead to a thread getting locked, to prevent users from posting additional angry or hurtful comments. When other users see a lock coming, or they want to signal that a discussion's other participants are being inappropriate, they may post IBTL.