1. What does AMA stand for?

Ask me anything

An acronym that means you can ask the person anything you want; often seen on Reddit; most likely used by someone who actually has something interesting to share, not much fun to ask boring people anything you want.


I worked with Steve Jobs the last five years of his life, AMA

Related Slang


Updated March 12, 2014
2. What does AMA stand for?

American Medical Association

An acronym for the largest association of physicians in the United States.

The association was founded in 1847 and its official mission is to promote the art and science of medicine for the betterment of the public health, to advance the interests of physicians and their patients, to promote public health, to lobby for legislation favorable to physicians and patients, and to raise money for medical education. Its headquarters are located in Chicago, Illinois.


I was able to attend school with tuition help from the AMA

Related Slang


Updated January 14, 2015
3. What does AMA mean in healthcare?

Against medical advice

A patient who leaves a hospital AMA is leaving against their doctor's advice. Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals use this acronym to discuss patients they believe left a hospital prematurely.

Some AMA patients leave without a formal hospital discharge. Others leave after signing a form that states they are leaving AMA. In both cases, the patient has likely discussed their current status and treatment options with their doctor, and they've chosen to leave the hospital rather than pursue further treatment.

Contrary to popular belief (both inside and outside the medical community), insurance companies typically do not deny claims from patients who leave the hospital AMA. For example, a University of Chicago Medicine study found that, of 453 insured patients who left AMA, none of the patients' insurance claims were denied.


My mom left AMA so I don't think insurance will cover it
No, they totally will. Trust me

Related Slang


Updated November 1, 2021

AMA definition by

This page explains what the acronym "AMA" means. The various definitions, examples, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the team.

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