Web Forums Slang

Web forums, bulletin boards, online discussions, or whatever else you want to call them — are a common place to use slang. Knowing common acronyms and abbreviations used in online forums can help you understand other postings and avoid miscommunication. The following table contains a list of slang terms commonly used in web forums.

Slang Term Meaning Votes
IDKI don't know
TYThank you
BTWBy the way
OMGOh my gosh
VRVirtual reality
PCPersonal computer
YWYou're welcome
PS4PlayStation 4
TLDRToo long, didn't read
n00bA new or inexperienced user
LANLocal Area Network
IMOIn my opinion
TrollingPosting offensive comments
AIArtificial intelligence
TBHTo be honest
deagleDesert Eagle
FFFFlat foreign female
ChungusA cute, chunky creature
FOMOFear of missing out
go brrrSolve a problem
ZaddyA composed, fashionable, and attractive man
WTSWant to sell
Let him cookDon't interfere
TrollA person who posts offensive comments
IMHOIn my honest opinion
S-tierTop rank
N64Nintendo 64
GOATGreatest of all time
MCYTMinecraft YouTuber
IMHOIn my humble opinion
PMPrivate message
ICYMIIn case you missed it
CCGCollectible card game
Dunk onMake fun of
CMIIWCorrect me if I'm wrong
YMMVYour mileage may vary
PS3PlayStation 3
YRLYou are lame
Tune upBeat up
LGSLocal game store
GALGet a life
NBSPNo bull s*** please
RIPRest in peace
CGComputer Graphics
U mad broAre you mad?
FlamingAngering other Internet users
Y/NYour name
TRSThat really sucks
TCGTrading card game
TTTTTo tell the truth
Paper handsTo sell a stock at the first sign of trouble
BIONBelieve it or not
WDYTWhat do you think
Sigma maleAn introverted guy who goes his own way
COCCode of conduct
Lady bonerFemale feeling of sexual arousal
STFDSit the f*** down
NDSNintendo DS
IAPIn-app purchase
SASexual assault
PnPParty and Play
IOWIn other words
WYWHWish you were here
TBFTo be fair
Cinnamon rollA kind, gentle person
OT3One true threesome
Pro-shipAccepting of any fictional relationship
GMVGot my vote
LooksmaxxingAttempting to improve your appearance
FOCFree of charge
OTSOff the subject
RedditorA Reddit user
irlA real-life person
vlogVideo blog
WCGWorld Cyber Games
POTUSPresident of the United States
SWYPSo what's your problem
WIPWork in progress
StonksQuestionable or meaningless financial gains
DoomerA person who focuses on negative possibilities
ThreadA series of messages
Sussy bakaSuspicious fool
Rent Free In My HeadFrequently on my mind
EndgameA couple that is meant to be together
Alphabet mafiaLGBTQIA+ people
OTOff topic
Alpha maleA dominant male
AFAICAs far as I'm concerned
AlgospeakSlang used to bypass content filters
Sock puppet accountA fake online identity
CSBCool story, bro
BangerAn awesome, energetic piece of media
LurkerA forum user who reads but doesn't post
N/ANot applicable
WBUWhat 'bout you
HimboA naive, musclebound male
PlankingLying face down and straight like a plank
YWAYou're welcome anyway
FA Twitch stream has accidentally disconnected
RTFMRead the flippin' manual
WRTWith regard to
GloomerAn apathetic 20-something
GTFGone too far
IDUI don't understand
OPOriginal poster
FTFYFixed that for you
TBDTo be determined
OTPOne true pairing
Sleeper buildWhen a skinny person is surprisingly buff
TILToday I learned
AmogusAmong Us
IACIn any case
DHDear husband
LOTRLord of the Rings
IAWTCI agree with the comment
OTDOf the day
BrigadingWhen one online community harasses another
IMAI might add
AITAAm I the a**hole
BOATBest of all time
FORDFound on road dead
SATScholastic Aptitude Test
Yuck your yumCriticize something you like
TSSToxic Shock Syndrome
DFDear fiance
RizzlerA person with immense charisma
ThreadjackingSteering a discussion away from the original topic
WYWTAWhat you wanna talk about?
Put on blastTo call out
FTRFor the record
HTHHope this helps
YAYoung Adult
LSSLong story short
WTBWant to buy
NSSNo s*** Sherlock
MIMASMay I make a suggestion
WaifuA fictional female that a real person has a crush on
OTLOne true love
BIFLBuy it for life
GatekeepTo police who has access to an identity or community
WAGsWives and girlfriends
POCProof of concept
Beta maleA submissive male
Tots and pearsThoughts and prayers
CrunchyNatural and sustainable lifestyle
ICI see
IDNKI do not know
IIRCIf I remember correctly
WCGWWhat could go wrong
MLMMen loving men
DUDon't understand
TFTIThanks for the information
NYPName your price
PIOGPosted in other groups
OOTDOutfit of the day
NTANot the a**hole
ICCIcecrown Citadel
DYORDo your own research
SAHDStay-at-home dad
PCPolitically correct
GMAFBGive me a friggin' break
SAEStamped addressed envelope
DBTSDon't believe that stuff
Diamond handsTo hold a stock through losses
GOATedDeclared the best
SSIASubject says it all
Snapback culturePressure on new moms to snap back to their pre-pregnancy bodies
WinternityEternal winter
CONUSContiguous United States
CapeTo defend someone's actions, often undeservedly
It meI identify with that
FCOLFor crying out loud
SlashSame-sex romance fan fiction
HusbandoA fictional man that a real person has a crush on
Silver foxAn attractive older man
IRTIn regards to
LTRLong-term relationship
TOHThe other half
CreepypastaA horror story posted on the Internet
YSKYou should know
IMIOIn my infallible opinion
NSFVNot safe for viewing
VolcelVoluntary celibate
BloomerA well-adjusted 20-something
DDDue diligence
SFYSpeak for yourself
OMGDOh my gosh, duh
FORDFlipped Over and Rebuilt Dodge
WADRWith all due respect
EDEating disorder
HNMHappy new month
BlursedBlessed and cursed
UXUser Experience
JFIJust for information
VODVideo on demand
B&WBlack and white
Crypto MomSEC Commissioner Hester Peirce
Baby trapWhen one partner misleads the other to cause a pregnancy
HPTHome pregnancy test
ChonkAn overweight animal
IMPOIn my personal opinion
HYFRHeck ya, freakin' right
PBUHPeace be upon Him
B1G1Buy one, get one
BOGOBuy one, get one
BOLOBe on the lookout
PRPublic relations
TWTrigger warning
SmolSmall and cute
CopypastaA block of text that is often copied and pasted online
ACNHAnimal Crossing: New Horizons
OOTLOut of the loop
GMTAGreat minds think alike
IAGIt's all good
ISTMIt seems to me
TMATake my advice
PSGWSPPlay stupid games, win stupid prizes
PNSFWProbably not safe for work
PEBCAKProblem exists between chair and keyboard
Book hangoverRemaining attached to a book you just finished
PEBKACProblem exists between keyboard and chair
FHFuture husband
ITRInternet Talk Radio
At homeA worse version of something
ITYFI think you'll find
Apple sheepBlindly loyal Apple fans
GSOHGreat sense of humor
UNADRYou need a doctor
IAI agree
JFGIJust flippin' Google it
PYHOOYAPull your head out of your a**
StacyAn attractive, sexually active woman
CTSChange the subject
BeckyA basic white girl
FAANGFacebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google
BCBGBon Chic Bon Genre
EOLEnd of life
LMGTFYLet me Google that for you
DNFTTDo not feed the trolls
WeebA non-Japanese person obsessed with Japanese pop culture
WAHWork at home
L4D2Left for Dead 2
J6January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol Attack
LCSLocal comic store
RPFReal person fiction
MSRPManufacturer's suggested retail price
WYBWhen you buy
W2KWindows 2000
HeadcanonA fan's unverified beliefs about a story
ICWYMI see what you mean
SCOTUSSupreme Court of the United States
DAEDoes anyone else
TIFUToday I F***ed Up
NSFLNot safe for life
BOTBack on topic
DBEYRDon't believe everything you read
iPad kidA child who is always on a tablet
OCOriginal content
Helicopter momAn overly involved mom
AMLAnti money laundering
CAFOConcentrated Animal Feeding Operation
JMHOJust my humble opinion
CopiumCoping via false rationale
RTFARead the flippin' article
RedpilledUnderstands an unpleasant truth
TWIMCTo whom it may concern
Insta copBuy immediately
CFVCall for votes
WDUMBTWhat do you mean by that?
WYSIWYGWhat you see is what you get
NFSNot for sale
Help vampireA forum user who repeatedly asks basic questions
POTCPirates of the Caribbean
HopiumFalse hopes
QQQuick question
SROStanding room only
WAHMWork-at-home mom
ITTIn this thread
FTLOGFor the love of God
AFAIACAs far as I am concerned
WRTWith respect to
MTFMore to follow
GGGBGood girl gone bad
YTAYou're the a**hole
ADPICAlways Dependably Politically Incorrect
Omega maleA self-sufficient, independent male
DTRTDo the right thing
TPTBThe powers that be
WIIFMWhat's in it for me?
WLWWomen loving women
DOADead on arrival
BBSBulletin board system
GreenwashingDeceptively claiming to be eco-friendly
BlackpilledPessimistic about the future
GIGOGarbage in, garbage out
HIHHope it helps
allgAll good
IJWTKI just want to know
IJWTSI just want to say
IMPOVIn my point of view
ISTRI seem to recall
NGMINot gonna make it
NFINo further information
ASATAs simple as that
4saleFor sale
Comment ghostingRemoving a user's comments
WATCHWalmart, Amazon, Target, Costco, Home Depot
SquickA big turn-off
NCNo Contact
OOCOut of context
PS2PlayStation 2
GIGlycemic Index
ONCOOr nearest cash offer
QAnutterA QAnon believer
Galaxy brainUnorthodox thinking
NEDNo expiration date
Smooth brainAn unintelligent person
UrbexUrban exploration
inb4In before
MRAMen's rights activist
Garbage personA terrible person
tendiesChicken tenders
MOTDMessage of the day
J-PowJerome Powell
FSBOFor sale by owner
Gamma maleA normal man
Up to elevenUp to an excessive degree
HFTHigh-frequency trader
PIBKACProblem is between keyboard and chair
PICNICProblem in chair, not in computer
PlebAn unsophisticated person
TechlexicUnable to comprehend technology
NBLMNon-binary loving men
DerailTo take a discussion off topic
FlamerA person who angers other Internet users
SOTDShoe of the day
T4TUThanks for the update
AFAICTAs far as I can tell
The Streisand EffectWhen an attempt to hide information draws greater attention
MukbangEating show
NSFANot safe for anyone
IMEIn my experience
Here for itExcited about it
ISWYMI see what you mean
OTOther topic
OTOHOn the other hand
AFAWKAs far as we know
RFCRequest for comment
MoneymaxxingAttempting to improve your financial situation
TUTTotally unique thought
Marmite characterA person people either hate or love
M2FMale to female
DLDRDon't like, don't read
FTPFile transfer protocol
IMCOIn my considered opinion
HBCUHistorically black colleges and universities
REReal estate
KotHKing of the hill
STFWSearch the flippin' web
KyleA basic white boy
QFTQuoted for truth
GigachadAn ultra-attractive, confident, and capable man
NBLWNon-binary loving women
QuarantiniA quarantine-times cocktail
nmtnNever mind that now
RTFBRead the flippin' book
IMSOIn my sovereign opinion
TIHIThanks, I hate it
QFEQuestion for everyone
PSPPlayStation Portable
PSOGPure stroke of genius
GastrodiplomacyWhen a country uses its cuisine to boost its reputation
BDUBrain dead user
CTOCheck this out
TISUThis is so unfair
IGII get it
HistoryboundingWearing historically-inspired outfits
SINBADSingle income no boyfriend absolutely desperate
LPTLife Pro Tip
HPDCHappy People Don't Complain
TMFTToo much free time
OBOOr best offer
BWTHDIKBut what the heck do I know
BDDBody dysmorphic disorder
SMHScratching my head
BOTDBenefit of the doubt
OTDOn this day
KillfieA potentially deadly selfie
MBAMacBook Air
IGTPI get the point
INPOIn no particular order
ITSFWIIf the shoe fits, wear it
WojakA Microsoft Paint-created Internet character
WYMMWill you marry me?
AONAs of now
B&FBack and forth
PFPPicture for proof
ShadowbanTo secretly censor a social media user's content
NocoinerA person who owns no cryptocurrency
F2MFemale to male
FreebieA free item or service
IMBOIn my biased opinion
L4DLeft for Dead
LARPLive action role-playing
LCGLiving card game
TSFWTotally safe for work
BBRBroken beyond repair
CUCredit union
MDIMultiple Daily Injections
Hot Vax SummerSummer 2021
BAYCBored Ape Yacht Club
PAYEPay as you earn
AmmosexualA person who loves guns
TBQHTo be quite honest
TBTGThanks be to God
Career cushioningSearching for a new job while employed
VGVideo game
PWIPredominantly white institution
CWContent warning
Virtual restaurantDelivery-only restaurant
LBRLet's be real
SPDSymphysis Pubis Dysfunction
ParennialA parent born between 1981 and 1996
AMLAcute myeloid leukemia
AstroturfingFaking a grassroots movement
QuantQuantitative analyst
AAAApply to affected area
CIOCry it out
You win the InternetYou are awesome
Fiver partyA birthday party for a child where guests give $5
OCONUSOutside of contiguous United States
CybermobA group of online users that harasses other users

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