Web Forums Slang
Web forums, bulletin boards, online discussions, or whatever else you want to call them — are a common place to use slang. Knowing common acronyms and abbreviations used in online forums can help you understand other postings and avoid miscommunication. The following table contains a list of slang terms commonly used in web forums.
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
Meekd | Suppressed | 180 |
Noob | Newbie | 312 |
IDK | I don't know | 317 |
TY | Thank you | 388 |
BTW | By the way | 407 |
OMG | Oh my gosh | 422 |
VR | Virtual reality | 431 |
thx | Thanks | 440 |
xp | Experience | 445 |
Y | Why | 454 |
PC | Personal computer | 458 |
YW | You're welcome | 472 |
PS4 | PlayStation 4 | 506 |
TLDR | Too long, didn't read | 507 |
xbf | Ex-boyfriend | 508 |
n00b | A new or inexperienced user | 527 |
LAN | Local Area Network | 527 |
IMO | In my opinion | 529 |
Trolling | Posting offensive comments | 536 |
AI | Artificial intelligence | 539 |
TBH | To be honest | 543 |
deagle | Desert Eagle | 544 |
mod | Moderator | 550 |
OF | OnlyFans | 551 |
FFF | Flat foreign female | 553 |
Ditto | Same | 556 |
Chungus | A cute, chunky creature | 557 |
FOMO | Fear of missing out | 564 |
go brrr | Solve a problem | 565 |
Zaddy | A composed, fashionable, and attractive man | 567 |
PS | PlayStation | 567 |
WTS | Want to sell | 570 |
S-tier | Top rank | 570 |
Troll | A person who posts offensive comments | 570 |
Let him cook | Don't interfere | 571 |
Jebaited | Deceived | 572 |
IMHO | In my honest opinion | 573 |
N64 | Nintendo 64 | 574 |
GOAT | Greatest of all time | 574 |
MCYT | Minecraft YouTuber | 575 |
IMHO | In my humble opinion | 575 |
PM | Private message | 576 |
cata | Cataclysm | 576 |
ICYMI | In case you missed it | 576 |
Dunk on | Make fun of | 577 |
Aggro | Aggressive | 577 |
CCG | Collectible card game | 577 |
CMIIW | Correct me if I'm wrong | 578 |
xgf | Ex-girlfriend | 578 |
YMMV | Your mileage may vary | 579 |
YRL | You are lame | 579 |
PS3 | PlayStation 3 | 579 |
Tune up | Beat up | 580 |
CG | Computer Graphics | 580 |
LGS | Local game store | 580 |
GAL | Get a life | 581 |
ul | Upload | 581 |
MT | Mistype | 581 |
NBSP | No bull s*** please | 581 |
RIP | Rest in peace | 581 |
U mad bro | Are you mad? | 581 |
Flaming | Angering other Internet users | 581 |
Based | Agree | 582 |
TRS | That really sucks | 582 |
TCG | Trading card game | 582 |
Paper hands | To sell a stock at the first sign of trouble | 582 |
TTTT | To tell the truth | 582 |
Sigma male | An introverted guy who goes his own way | 582 |
BION | Believe it or not | 583 |
WDYT | What do you think | 583 |
C.AI | Character.AI | 583 |
Secks | Sex | 584 |
Y/N | Your name | 584 |
COC | Code of conduct | 584 |
STFD | Sit the f*** down | 584 |
NDS | Nintendo DS | 584 |
IAP | In-app purchase | 584 |
SA | Sexual assault | 584 |
Lady boner | Female feeling of sexual arousal | 584 |
IOW | In other words | 585 |
WYWH | Wish you were here | 585 |
TBF | To be fair | 585 |
imba | Imbalanced | 585 |
POTUS | President of the United States | 585 |
PnP | Party and Play | 585 |
Cinnamon roll | A kind, gentle person | 586 |
OT3 | One true threesome | 586 |
Endgame | A couple that is meant to be together | 586 |
Looksmaxxing | Attempting to improve your appearance | 586 |
Doomer | A person who focuses on negative possibilities | 586 |
irl | A real-life person | 586 |
Pro-ship | Accepting of any fictional relationship | 586 |
GMV | Got my vote | 586 |
FOC | Free of charge | 586 |
OTS | Off the subject | 586 |
Redditor | A Reddit user | 586 |
vlog | Video blog | 586 |
WCG | World Cyber Games | 586 |
SWYP | So what's your problem | 586 |
WIP | Work in progress | 586 |
Stonks | Questionable or meaningless financial gains | 586 |
Alphabet mafia | LGBTQIA+ people | 587 |
m | Male | 587 |
Rent Free In My Head | Frequently on my mind | 587 |
Sussy baka | Suspicious fool | 587 |
Thread | A series of messages | 587 |
Banger | An awesome, energetic piece of media | 587 |
Algospeak | Slang used to bypass content filters | 588 |
OT | Off topic | 588 |
uttp | UTubeTrollPolice | 588 |
AFAIC | As far as I'm concerned | 588 |
IDU | I don't understand | 588 |
Sock puppet account | A fake online identity | 588 |
CSB | Cool story, bro | 588 |
Alpha male | A dominant male | 588 |
Lurker | A forum user who reads but doesn't post | 588 |
F | A Twitch stream has accidentally disconnected | 588 |
FTR | For the record | 589 |
Himbo | A naive, musclebound male | 589 |
N/A | Not applicable | 589 |
WBU | What 'bout you | 589 |
Rizzler | A person with immense charisma | 589 |
Planking | Lying face down and straight like a plank | 589 |
sbux | Starbucks | 589 |
YWA | You're welcome anyway | 589 |
admin | Administrator | 589 |
CGPT | ChatGPT | 589 |
Brigading | When one online community harasses another | 589 |
RTFM | Read the flippin' manual | 590 |
WRT | With regard to | 590 |
DH | Dear husband | 590 |
GTF | Gone too far | 590 |
OP | Original poster | 590 |
FTFY | Fixed that for you | 590 |
TBD | To be determined | 590 |
Gloomer | An apathetic 20-something | 590 |
OTP | One true pairing | 590 |
Sleeper build | When a skinny person is surprisingly buff | 590 |
TIL | Today I learned | 590 |
Amogus | Among Us | 590 |
f | Female | 591 |
IAC | In any case | 591 |
LOTR | Lord of the Rings | 591 |
IAWTC | I agree with the comment | 591 |
OTD | Of the day | 591 |
IMA | I might add | 591 |
BOAT | Best of all time | 591 |
FORD | Found on road dead | 591 |
SAT | Scholastic Aptitude Test | 591 |
AITA | Am I the a**hole | 591 |
Yuck your yum | Criticize something you like | 591 |
TSS | Toxic Shock Syndrome | 591 |
DF | Dear fiance | 591 |
Sketchy | Suspicious | 591 |
POC | Proof of concept | 591 |
Beta male | A submissive male | 591 |
Threadjacking | Steering a discussion away from the original topic | 591 |
WYWTA | What you wanna talk about? | 591 |
Put on blast | To call out | 591 |
HTH | Hope this helps | 592 |
pw | Password | 592 |
LSS | Long story short | 592 |
NSS | No s*** Sherlock | 592 |
MIMAS | May I make a suggestion | 592 |
Waifu | A fictional female that a real person has a crush on | 592 |
Gobbo | Goblin | 592 |
Sub | Subreddit | 592 |
BIFL | Buy it for life | 592 |
Gatekeep | To police who has access to an identity or community | 592 |
WAGs | Wives and girlfriends | 592 |
Tots and pears | Thoughts and prayers | 592 |
OTL | One true love | 592 |
Crunchy | Natural and sustainable lifestyle | 592 |
IC | I see | 593 |
IDNK | I do not know | 593 |
IIRC | If I remember correctly | 593 |
WCGW | What could go wrong | 593 |
YA | Young Adult | 593 |
NYP | Name your price | 593 |
p/w | Password | 593 |
DU | Don't understand | 593 |
TFTI | Thanks for the information | 593 |
DA | DeviantArt | 593 |
WTB | Want to buy | 593 |
PIOG | Posted in other groups | 593 |
OOTD | Outfit of the day | 593 |
ICC | Icecrown Citadel | 593 |
MLM | Men loving men | 593 |
SAHD | Stay-at-home dad | 593 |
PC | Politically correct | 593 |
GMAFB | Give me a friggin' break | 593 |
SAE | Stamped addressed envelope | 593 |
DBTS | Don't believe that stuff | 593 |
s | Sarcasm | 593 |
azz | A** | 593 |
GOATed | Declared the best | 593 |
W2K | Windows 2000 | 593 |
Diamond hands | To hold a stock through losses | 593 |
SSIA | Subject says it all | 593 |
Snapback culture | Pressure on new moms to snap back to their pre-pregnancy bodies | 593 |
NTA | Not the a**hole | 593 |
Winternity | Eternal winter | 593 |
CONUS | Contiguous United States | 593 |
It me | I identify with that | 593 |
FCOL | For crying out loud | 594 |
Silver fox | An attractive older man | 594 |
IRT | In regards to | 594 |
LTR | Long-term relationship | 594 |
TOH | The other half | 594 |
Baby trap | When one partner misleads the other to cause a pregnancy | 594 |
IMIO | In my infallible opinion | 594 |
M$ | Microsoft | 594 |
HNM | Happy new month | 594 |
Bloomer | A well-adjusted 20-something | 594 |
FH | Future husband | 594 |
SFY | Speak for yourself | 594 |
ITYF | I think you'll find | 594 |
OMGD | Oh my gosh, duh | 594 |
Volcel | Voluntary celibate | 594 |
FORD | Flipped Over and Rebuilt Dodge | 594 |
sw | Software | 594 |
WADR | With all due respect | 594 |
YSK | You should know | 594 |
ED | Eating disorder | 594 |
Vawulence | Violence | 594 |
Blursed | Blessed and cursed | 594 |
UX | User Experience | 594 |
Husbando | A fictional man that a real person has a crush on | 594 |
JFI | Just for information | 594 |
VOD | Video on demand | 594 |
B&W | Black and white | 594 |
DD | Due diligence | 594 |
anon | Anonymous | 594 |
Creepypasta | A horror story posted on the Internet | 594 |
HPT | Home pregnancy test | 594 |
DYOR | Do your own research | 594 |
Crypto Mom | SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce | 594 |
NSFV | Not safe for viewing | 594 |
Chonk | An overweight animal | 594 |
IMPO | In my personal opinion | 594 |
HYFR | Heck ya, freakin' right | 594 |
OTC | Over-the-counter | 594 |
PBUH | Peace be upon Him | 594 |
J6 | January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol Attack | 594 |
B1G1 | Buy one, get one | 594 |
BOGO | Buy one, get one | 594 |
BOLO | Be on the lookout | 594 |
PR | Public relations | 594 |
Slash | Same-sex romance fan fiction | 594 |
TW | Trigger warning | 594 |
Smol | Small and cute | 594 |
Copypasta | A block of text that is often copied and pasted online | 594 |
Cape | To defend someone's actions, often undeservedly | 594 |
ACNH | Animal Crossing: New Horizons | 594 |
OOTL | Out of the loop | 595 |
GMTA | Great minds think alike | 595 |
IAG | It's all good | 595 |
Stacy | An attractive, sexually active woman | 595 |
ISTM | It seems to me | 595 |
TMA | Take my advice | 595 |
Weeb | A non-Japanese person obsessed with Japanese pop culture | 595 |
PEBCAK | Problem exists between chair and keyboard | 595 |
RPF | Real person fiction | 595 |
Book hangover | Remaining attached to a book you just finished | 595 |
PEBKAC | Problem exists between keyboard and chair | 595 |
PSGWSP | Play stupid games, win stupid prizes | 595 |
ITR | Internet Talk Radio | 595 |
At home | A worse version of something | 595 |
nxt | Next | 595 |
GSOH | Great sense of humor | 595 |
UNADR | You need a doctor | 595 |
hw | Hardware | 595 |
IA | I agree | 595 |
JFGI | Just flippin' Google it | 595 |
GGGB | Good girl gone bad | 595 |
PYHOOYA | Pull your head out of your a** | 595 |
CTS | Change the subject | 595 |
Becky | A basic white girl | 595 |
PNSFW | Probably not safe for work | 595 |
NGMI | Not gonna make it | 595 |
BCBG | Bon Chic Bon Genre | 595 |
EOL | End of life | 595 |
LMGTFY | Let me Google that for you | 595 |
DNFTT | Do not feed the trolls | 595 |
FAANG | Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google | 595 |
WAH | Work at home | 595 |
L4D2 | Left for Dead 2 | 595 |
LCS | Local comic store | 595 |
cx | Correction | 595 |
MSRP | Manufacturer's suggested retail price | 595 |
q | Coupon | 595 |
WYB | When you buy | 595 |
Apple sheep | Blindly loyal Apple fans | 595 |
Vet | Veteran | 595 |
Headcanon | A fan's unverified beliefs about a story | 595 |
ICWYM | I see what you mean | 595 |
SCOTUS | Supreme Court of the United States | 595 |
DAE | Does anyone else | 595 |
TIFU | Today I F***ed Up | 595 |
NSFL | Not safe for life | 595 |
Brain rot | Negative effects from excessive Internet content | 596 |
Smooth brain | An unintelligent person | 596 |
BOT | Back on topic | 596 |
DBEYR | Don't believe everything you read | 596 |
Helicopter mom | An overly involved mom | 596 |
HBCU | Historically black colleges and universities | 596 |
YTA | You're the a**hole | 596 |
Up to eleven | Up to an excessive degree | 596 |
Subs | Subtitles | 596 |
CAFO | Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation | 596 |
Squick | A big turn-off | 596 |
JMHO | Just my humble opinion | 596 |
NBLM | Non-binary loving men | 596 |
Copium | Coping via false rationale | 596 |
RTFA | Read the flippin' article | 596 |
TWIMC | To whom it may concern | 596 |
CFV | Call for votes | 596 |
WDUMBT | What do you mean by that? | 596 |
WYSIWYG | What you see is what you get | 596 |
AV | Audio/Video | 596 |
Garbage person | A terrible person | 596 |
h8 | Hate | 596 |
POTC | Pirates of the Caribbean | 596 |
Gamma male | A normal man | 596 |
MS | Microsoft | 596 |
txt | Text | 596 |
Blackpilled | Pessimistic about the future | 596 |
SRO | Standing room only | 596 |
Insta cop | Buy immediately | 596 |
WATCH | Walmart, Amazon, Target, Costco, Home Depot | 596 |
NC | No Contact | 596 |
OOC | Out of context | 596 |
WAHM | Work-at-home mom | 596 |
AFAIAC | As far as I am concerned | 596 |
WRT | With respect to | 596 |
MTF | More to follow | 596 |
ADPIC | Always Dependably Politically Incorrect | 596 |
NFS | Not for sale | 596 |
DTRT | Do the right thing | 596 |
Hopium | False hopes | 596 |
AML | Anti money laundering | 596 |
TPTB | The powers that be | 596 |
WIIFM | What's in it for me? | 596 |
Seggs | Sex | 596 |
DOA | Dead on arrival | 596 |
BBS | Bulletin board system | 596 |
WLW | Women loving women | 596 |
CAD | Control-alt-delete | 596 |
iPad kid | A child who is always on a tablet | 596 |
Greenwashing | Deceptively claiming to be eco-friendly | 596 |
FUCT | Failed under continuous testing | 596 |
GIGO | Garbage in, garbage out | 596 |
Gigachad | An ultra-attractive, confident, and capable man | 596 |
HIH | Hope it helps | 596 |
allg | All good | 596 |
IJWTK | I just want to know | 596 |
IJWTS | I just want to say | 596 |
IMPOV | In my point of view | 596 |
ISTR | I seem to recall | 596 |
Redpilled | Understands an unpleasant truth | 596 |
NFI | No further information | 596 |
ASAT | As simple as that | 596 |
4sale | For sale | 596 |
OC | Original content | 596 |
Comment ghosting | Removing a user's comments | 596 |
h4x0r | Hacker | 596 |
PS2 | PlayStation 2 | 596 |
GI | Glycemic Index | 596 |
ONCO | Or nearest cash offer | 596 |
ITT | In this thread | 596 |
QAnutter | A QAnon believer | 596 |
Urbex | Urban exploration | 596 |
NED | No expiration date | 596 |
Galaxy brain | Unorthodox thinking | 596 |
FTLOG | For the love of God | 596 |
inb4 | In before | 596 |
MRA | Men's rights activist | 596 |
Help vampire | A forum user who repeatedly asks basic questions | 596 |
MOTD | Message of the day | 596 |
tendies | Chicken tenders | 596 |
tru | True | 596 |
FSBO | For sale by owner | 596 |
J-Pow | Jerome Powell | 596 |
HFT | High-frequency trader | 596 |
PIBKAC | Problem is between keyboard and chair | 596 |
PICNIC | Problem in chair, not in computer | 596 |
Pleb | An unsophisticated person | 596 |
Omega male | A self-sufficient, independent male | 596 |
Techlexic | Unable to comprehend technology | 596 |
Derail | To take a discussion off topic | 596 |
Flamer | A person who angers other Internet users | 596 |
SOTD | Shoe of the day | 596 |
T4TU | Thanks for the update | 596 |
FTM | Female to male | 597 |
Doggo | Dog | 597 |
Mukbang | Eating show | 597 |
Shadowban | To secretly censor a social media user's content | 597 |
IME | In my experience | 597 |
ISWYM | I see what you mean | 597 |
OT | Other topic | 597 |
OTOH | On the other hand | 597 |
Parennial | A parent born between 1981 and 1996 | 597 |
RFC | Request for comment | 597 |
AFAWK | As far as we know | 597 |
TUT | Totally unique thought | 597 |
Baka | Fool | 597 |
M2F | Male to female | 597 |
The Streisand Effect | When an attempt to hide information draws greater attention | 597 |
Marmite character | A person people either hate or love | 597 |
TIHI | Thanks, I hate it | 597 |
FTP | File transfer protocol | 597 |
DIL | Daughter-in-law | 597 |
IMCO | In my considered opinion | 597 |
Ammosexual | A person who loves guns | 597 |
PWI | Predominantly white institution | 597 |
Womxn | Women | 597 |
Frl | For real | 597 |
Virtual restaurant | Delivery-only restaurant | 597 |
KotH | King of the hill | 597 |
TSFW | Totally safe for work | 597 |
STFW | Search the flippin' web | 597 |
Kyle | A basic white boy | 597 |
QFT | Quoted for truth | 597 |
NBLW | Non-binary loving women | 597 |
RTFB | Read the flippin' book | 597 |
Quick question | 597 | |
Wojak | A Microsoft Paint-created Internet character | 597 |
QFE | Question for everyone | 597 |
VBO | Visible belly outline | 597 |
PSP | PlayStation Portable | 597 |
PFP | Picture for proof | 597 |
PSOG | Pure stroke of genius | 597 |
BDU | Brain dead user | 597 |
BBR | Broken beyond repair | 597 |
CTO | Check this out | 597 |
TISU | This is so unfair | 597 |
IGI | I get it | 597 |
BAYC | Bored Ape Yacht Club | 597 |
db8 | Debate | 597 |
Historybounding | Wearing historically-inspired outfits | 597 |
SINBAD | Single income no boyfriend absolutely desperate | 597 |
LPT | Life Pro Tip | 597 |
HPDC | Happy People Don't Complain | 597 |
TMFT | Too much free time | 597 |
Floof | Fluff | 597 |
Pupper | Puppy | 597 |
OBO | Or best offer | 597 |
pl0x | Please | 597 |
BWTHDIK | But what the heck do I know | 597 |
Quant | Quantitative analyst | 597 |
SMH | Scratching my head | 597 |
BOTD | Benefit of the doubt | 597 |
AML | Acute myeloid leukemia | 597 |
OTD | On this day | 597 |
IYAM | If you ask me | 597 |
INPO | In no particular order | 597 |
WYMM | Will you marry me? | 597 |
AON | As of now | 597 |
B&F | Back and forth | 597 |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer | 597 |
Nocoiner | A person who owns no cryptocurrency | 597 |
NSFA | Not safe for anyone | 597 |
Here for it | Excited about it | 597 |
4n6 | Forensics | 597 |
F2M | Female to male | 597 |
dc | Daycare | 597 |
Gastrodiplomacy | When a country uses its cuisine to boost its reputation | 597 |
Freebie | A free item or service | 597 |
IMBO | In my biased opinion | 597 |
L4D | Left for Dead | 597 |
LARP | Live action role-playing | 597 |
LCG | Living card game | 597 |
DLDR | Don't like, don't read | 597 |
CU | Credit union | 597 |
MDI | Multiple Daily Injections | 597 |
Hot Vax Summer | Summer 2021 | 597 |
PAYE | Pay as you earn | 597 |
Pull | Attract | 597 |
MTK | MediaTek | 597 |
TBQH | To be quite honest | 597 |
TBTG | Thanks be to God | 597 |
VG | Video game | 597 |
Career cushioning | Searching for a new job while employed | 597 |
Unsub | Unsubscribe | 597 |
RE | Real estate | 597 |
hlp | Help | 597 |
CW | Content warning | 597 |
Lorge | Large | 597 |
Errz | Errors | 597 |
LBR | Let's be real | 597 |
BDD | Body dysmorphic disorder | 597 |
SPD | Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction | 597 |
Astroturfing | Faking a grassroots movement | 597 |
AAA | Apply to affected area | 597 |
b8 | Bait | 597 |
CIO | Cry it out | 597 |
You win the Internet | You are awesome | 597 |
Fiver party | A birthday party for a child where guests give $5 | 597 |
OCONUS | Outside of contiguous United States | 597 |
Cybermob | A group of online users that harasses other users | 597 |
Results limited to 500. View complete list.