In regards to
IRT your memo about the meeting, next Monday would be much better than this Friday
Sounds good. I'll schedule it for Monday!

Related Slang
re | Regarding |
WRT | With respect to |
RYC | Regarding your comment |
rgd | Regard |
ATSL | Along the same lines |
SOW | Speaking of which |
neway | Anyway |
You may encounter "IRT" in emails and online forums when people refer to a previous conversation, person, event, etc. Typically, the acronym precedes the conversation, person, event, etc., to which the person refers.
For example, suppose you want to continue a previous conversation about a future vacation to Mexico but are talking about something else now. In that case, you might message your friend, "IRT to the trip to Mexico, do you want to go with kids or without?" Or, you may have been speaking about a house project with your spouse in an email, "IRT to replacing the furnace, do you want me to call or do you want to take care of that?"
You may also see IRT in texts and online messages. Additionally, IRT is the same as the WRT acronym.