I seem to recall
ISTR visiting that place before, but I can't remember for sure
A man who is about to send an ISTR message
Related Slang
IMS | If memory serves |
AFAIR | As far as I remember |
IIRC | If I remember correctly |
IIR | If I remember |
IDR | I don't remember |
CRAT | Can't remember a thing |
Name shame | Inability to remember a person's name |
That moment when | Remember that time when |
TMW | That moment when |
ISTR that ISTR stands for "I seem to recall." This acronym indicates that the person you're talking to remembers something, but with some degree of uncertainty.
In some cases (like above), people use ISTR even when they exactly recall the thing they're talking about. These people likely began their message with ISTR in an attempt to not seem overly assertive or pushy.