What does IYKYK mean online and in messages?

If you know you know

IYKYK stands for "If you know you know," which people may use on social media or in messages. It refers to some sort of shared experience or inside joke, that if you know, then you know.

Teenagers and young adults typically use IYKYK on social sites like Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. It became popular in 2019 and may be preceded by a hashtag and accompanying an image or video.

Most people use IYKYK as a nod to those who will get an inside joke or reference that others would not pick up on reading at the surface level. For example, your friend may tweet that she'll never listen to Bruno Mars again and include "iykyk," which is a nod to those that know that was her ex's and her favorite singer.

Some people may also use IYKYK to exclude people and/or make them feel bad about not understanding or knowing something. An example of this is when a person missed out on an epic party or wasn't present when a bunch of girlfriends were sharing gossip.


Wait, did Monica and Chase break up?
Yep, last nite. #IYKYK
Taylor Swift using IYKYK in a tweet to reference the July 9th date mentioned in her "Last Kiss" song
Taylor Swift using IYKYK in a tweet to reference the July 9th date mentioned in her "Last Kiss" song

Related Slang


Updated October 19, 2020

IYKYK definition by Slang.net - The Slang Dictionary

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