Jerome Powell
J-Pow be printin' money like it's goin' out of style

Related Slang
Covid | COVID-19 |
Stonks | Questionable or meaningless financial gains |
DD | Due diligence |
FRB | Federal Reserve Board |
FPL | Federal poverty level |
go brrr | Solve a problem |
Bagholder | A person who fails to sell a stock before it crashes |
Bullish | Positive outlook |
Social media users commonly refer to U.S. Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell as J-Pow. J-Pow acquired this nickname in the spring of 2020, when his office began taking action to mitigate the economic impact of the covid pandemic.
Thanks in part to Powell and the Fed's actions, the stock market did not crash during the most economically uncertain periods of the pandemic. In fact, many stock prices rose to new highs. This unusual rise in prices led some to worry that Powell's actions may have artificially inflated the market, and that a crash was still forthcoming.