Let me know what you think
LMKWYT about plans for dinner this Thursday
Oh yeah, srry. I can make it and I'll bring drinks!

Related Slang
LMK | Let me know |
JLMK | Just let me know |
T4LMK | Thanks for letting me know |
Lemeno | Let me know |
PLMK | Please let me know |
PTM | Please tell me |
TM | Tell me |
LYK | Let you know |
TMAI | Tell me about it |
srry | Sorry |
If you message a person and want to know what they think, send them "LMKWYT," which stands for "let me know what you think." It is an extension of the LMK acronym people commonly use in texts, online messages, emails, online forums, and social media when looking for a person's opinion.
For example, if you create a mockup for an advertisement campaign and email it to your co-workers, you might end it with, "This is just the first draft, so we are open to revisions. LMKWYT." Or, you may be planning a bachelorette party for your best friend, and you text the participants, "When you get a chance, LMKWYT about the plans for the bach weekend. Thanks!"