Messed up beyond all recognition
At this point, the U.S. is basically MUBAR
MRW when something is MUBAR
Related Slang
FUBAR | Fouled up beyond all recognition |
AFU | All f***ed up |
FUM | Fouled-up mess |
FUSIT | Fouled up situation |
MRW | My reaction when |
terribad | Terribly bad |
Those who can't bring themselves to say FUBAR may use MUBAR to mean "messed up beyond all recognition." Typically, people use MUBAR to describe a terrible situation or action.
For example, gamers might use MUBAR to describe a game in which they were routed, and a car enthusiast may use MUBAR to describe a gutted or totaled vehicle. Anything that's AFU can be described as MUBAR.
While FUBAR is U.S. military slang, MUBAR is not. The U.S. military, it seems, feels no need to censor its acronyms.