On-base Percentage
The fans boo him a lot but he still has the highest OBP on our team
Related Slang
OPS | On-base Plus Slugging Percentage |
avg | Batting average |
ERA | Earned run average |
RBI | Runs batted in |
HR | Home run |
Cycle | Single, double, triple, and home run |
AB | At bat |
A baseball stats acronym that measures a player's ability to get on base.
The stat is calculated by first adding the amount of hits, base on balls, and the times hit by pitch a player has accumulated. Then, divide that number by the amount of at bats, base on balls, sacrifice flies, and the times hit by pitch that same player has accumulated. The number you get is the player's on-base percentage. Ted Williams is the all-time leader with an OBP of .4817.