Sports Slang

There is no shortage of acronyms and abbreviations used in sports. Each sport has its own shorthand, so it can be difficult to remember what all the different abbreviations mean. The following list is a good reference to help you understand the meaning of all the slang terms used during sporting events and in the post-game analysis. You can also view specific baseball slang, golf slang, and fantasy football slang.

Slang Term Meaning Votes
StudA highly skilled individual
BFBatters faced
ClutchAbility to perform under pressure
GOATGreatest of all time
PBPersonal best
SkolGood health
Throw the gameLose the game on purpose
FFFantasy football
AceHole in one
ownageCompletely owned
Beast modeDominating gameplay
GFGames finished
WWEWorld Wrestling Entertainment
MLBMajor League Baseball
CeilingUpside of a player
SBSuper Bowl
DFSDaily Fantasy Sports
HRHome run
RBIRuns batted in
TaterHome run
WRWide receiver
BasebrawlBaseball brawl
HandcuffA fantasy football backup player
MVPMost valuable player
DLDisabled list
ROYRookie of the Year
CloserA relief pitcher that finishes a baseball game
Set the tableTo get on base so other hitters can score the baserunners
FFLFantasy football league
Snake draftDraft where the last pick in one round is the first in the next
LFGLet's freaking go
NHLNational Hockey League
avgBatting average
TPTriple play
RundownBaserunner stranded between two bases
Bush leagueAmateur play
YPGYards per game
2BSecond base
March MadnessNCAA Basketball Tournament
Chin musicPitch that nearly hits the batter's head
Can of cornAn easy catch by a fielder
Mendoza line.200 batting average
PPRPoints per reception
TETight end
GhostshipA fantasy football team with no owner
PFPoints for
BOATBest of all time
FanboyA dedicated male fan
WCWWorld Championship Wrestling
SBStolen bases
Victory lapGolf ball that spins around the hole then falls in
SleeperA player drafted late but exceeds expectations
HonorsHit first from the tee in golf
Trade baitA good player that entices other teams to trade for him
Half-PPRHalf-point per reception league
KayfabePretending something fake is real
WashedNo longer good
NBANational Basketball Association
WCWorld Cup
FIFAFédération Internationale de Football Association
MashTo hit a baseball well
WheelsFast legs
IRInjured reserve
DPDouble play
JAGJust a guy
DERDefensive Efficiency Rating
SteezeStyle and ease
WRWorld record
Saddam HusseinGolf shot from one bunker into another bunker
Texas wedgePutt from off the green
ADPAverage draft position
Draft dasherA fantasy football owner who drafts a team and abandons it
Waiver hawkA fantasy sports owner who patrols the waiver wire
RBRunning back
RB1Starting fantasy running back
WR1First starting fantasy wide receiver
Vulture backA running back who takes scoring chances from the starter
UndroppableA player who cannot be dropped from a fantasy team
StreamRotating players in and out of a lineup
BullishPositive outlook
MarkA fan who believes pro wrestling is real
FOMOFFear of missing out on football
NLDSNational League Division Series
HomerHome run
SingleHit that results in the batter getting to first base
CinderellaUnderdog sports team
One and doneSingle elimination tournament
On deckBatting second
Paint the cornerTo pitch the ball over the edge of home plate
BagA base
GSHGrand Slams
Grand SlamWinning the four major golf tournaments
SteezyStyle and ease
Put him on skatesTo make a person stumble over himself
MBFAMake baseball fun again
DNFDid not finish
SweeperA breaking ball that sweeps horizontally
FishCasual fantasy sports player
SharkAn experienced fantasy sports player
ReachTo draft a player too soon
BearishNegative outlook
UpsJumping ability
SivBad goaltender
ERAEarned run average
ABAt bat
ALCSAmerican League Championship Series
DingerHome run
MeatballEasy pitch to hit
GrounderA baseball hit on the ground
DoubleHit that results in the batter getting to second base
TripleHit that results in the batter getting to third base
OPSOn-base Plus Slugging Percentage
SLGSlugging percentage
ACLAnterior cruciate ligament
Final FourLast four competitors
Bracket busterA team that upsets a highly ranked team
On the screwsHard hit
MadduxComplete game shutout with less than 100 pitches
TCTotal chances
Bases juicedBaserunners on all three bases
Ball don't lieYou get what you deserve
SnowmanGolf score of 8
HangmanGolf score of 9
Auction draftA fantasy sports draft where owners bid on players
FlierGamble on a risky player
FlyerGamble on a risky player
FleecingTaking advantage of a person through a trade
tarReceiving targets
FloorDownside of a player
Millennial baseballA baseball strategy of swinging for home runs instead of base hits
Put overMake someone look good
DegenA gambler who makes foolish bets
Unforced errorAn easily-avoidable mistake
PosterizeTo dunk on an opponent
PullTo hit a ball to the same side of the field in which you bat
CR7Cristiano Ronaldo
MMAMixed martial arts
YardHome run
ALDSAmerican League Division Series
AceBest starting pitcher
SPStarting pitcher
LCSLeague Championship Series
Baltimore chopBaseball hit that takes a large hop over an infielder
1BFirst base
WARWins Above Replacement
Sweet SixteenLast 16 teams in a tournament
Elite EightLast eight teams of March Madness
LeatherDefense ability
RubberPitcher's plate
Cellar dwellerA team constantly in last place
Shoestring catchCatch made just above a player's shoes
CellarLast place
Twin killingTwo outs on the same play
Turn twoTo record a double play
LeadoffFirst batter in the lineup
CleanupPlayer batting fourth in the lineup
fpctFielding percentage
Two baggerDouble
YakkerCurve ball
Round-tripperHome run
And oneA play where a player is fouled while making a basket
RainmakerHigh trajectory golf shot
SleptTo hit someone hard
DropA ball dropped from a golfer's outstretched arm
AlbatrossThree strokes under par
QBBCQuarterback by committee
FRFumble recovery
oprkOpponent ranking
fumTotal fumbles
TruthinessTruth based on feelings
MinnowWeak fantasy sports player
Woj bombA breaking report by Adrian Wojnarowski
Get bucketsTo dominate
ZebraA game official
Cut a promoStage a promotional interview
On firePerforming very well
FadeTo purposely disregard a player
1QFirst quarter
FTMFWFor the mother f***ing win
Foul baitActing to get a foul called
GoonAn unintelligent, often muscular person
NFCNational Football Conference
AFCAmerican Football Conference
USWNTUnited States Women's National Team
LettuceThick, curly, beautiful hair
BBBases on balls
NLCSNational League Championship Series
BloopWeakly hit fly ball
3BThird base
RFRight field
BracketDiagram of tournament games
E3Error made by the first baseman
E4Error made by the second baseman
Double playTwo outs on the same play
Bronx cheerNoise that signals mockery
High and tightHigh and inside pitch
DishHome plate
CheeseGood fastball
Uncle CharlieCurve ball
WSWorld Series
XBHExtra base hits
Grand SlamA four-run home run
Four baggerHome run
Paint the blackTo pitch the ball over the edge of home plate
Sweet spotThe part of the bat that provides the best contact
Circus catchAcrobatic catch
GGames played
Three baggerTriple
Annie OakleyFree pass
SupersubA player who often scores as a substitute
Grand SlamWinning the four major tennis tournaments
LIPSLate inning pressured situations
RWRelief wins
Put out firesGet out of difficult situations
CheddarGood fastball
ShelledBeaten badly
OROlympic record
IOCInternational Olympic Committee
Breakfast ballA redo shot from the first tee
Breaking anklesCausing a player to stumble
LANKLet a naysayer know
Worm burnerVery low golf shot
LumberBaseball bat
nattyNational championship
Buzzer beaterA score made as the buzzer sounds
Die in the holeGolf shot that makes it to the hole and falls in
RBBCRunning back by committee
Fire saleWhen an owner trades players away
Go deepHit a home run
TunnelingThrowing different pitches with a similar trajectory to fool hitters
IDPIndividual defensive player
FlexFantasy football position that can be a RB, WR, or TE
QB1First starting fantasy quarterback
STSpecial teams
Garbage timeTime during a blowout game where strategies change
Damaged goodsA person who has one or more major flaws
HonnoldingStanding up straight on a narrow ledge with your back to the wall
MLBPAMajor League Baseball Players Association
LOOGYLeft-handed One Out Guy
PRPersonal record
HopsJumping ability
Putting on a clinicPerforming exceptionally well
Triple-doubleAchieving double digits in three categories in a basketball game
CannonAn impressive throwing arm
DBDefensive back
RockA basketball
HOFHall of fame
WWFWorld Wrestling Federation
USMNTUnited States Men's National Team
Brotherly shoveA play where the quarterback is shoved to gain yards
CSCaught stealing
BombHome run
PickAn interception
RPRelief pitcher
Ride the pineSit on the bench
CycleSingle, double, triple, and home run
LFLeft field
CFCenter field
BABIPBatting average on balls in play
CFPCollege Football Playoff
Hockey hairLong, flowing hair with flipped wings
TNFThursday Night Football
Cutting down the netsWon a basketball tournament
BracketologyPredicting who will win a tournament
E5Error made by the third baseman
E6Error made by the shortstop
E7Error made by the left fielder
E8Error made by the center fielder
E9Error made by the right fielder
Around the hornDouble play from third to second to first base
Triple playThree outs on the same play
BrushbackPitch that almost hits the hitter
PickleBaserunner stranded between two bases
HotboxBaserunner stranded between two bases
HillPitcher's mound
WheelhouseHitter's power zone
On the buttonHard hit ball
LOBLeft on base
SFSacrifice Flies
Locked inDoing well
GSGames started
innInnings played
Charity stripeFree throw line
Bases loadedBaserunners on all three bases
HBHit batsmen
IPInnings pitched
IRAInherited runs allowed
De-cleatedHit very hard
Lift the silverwareWin a trophy
FiremanLate-inning relief pitcher
PeaA ball traveling at a high speed
CutterA breaking fastball
Pin-seekerGolf shot hit straight at the flagstick
Alec GuinnessOut-of-bounds
Own goalA counterproductive decision
Walk-offA score that instantly wins a game
JuicedMuscular from steroids
Revenge arcQuest to get revenge
Keeper leagueFantasy sports league where you keep your players
Serpentine draftDraft where the last pick in one round is the first in the next
BustA player who does not perform well
Front nineFirst nine holes of an 18-hole golf course
GimmeEasy golf putt
Scratch golferA golfer with a handicap of zero
ShoveTo pitch well
YPAYards per attempt
HandlesThe ability to handle a basketball
PAPoints against
Three-peatWinning a championship three times in a row
Oppo boppoOpposite field home run
OGOlympic grandma
Yard saleA bad crash
BrickA shot that squarely clangs off the rim or backboard
Dropping dimesMaking difficult passes for assists in basketball
FKTFastest known time
JumperJump shot
oppoOpposite field
Trey3-point shot attempt
JuicingTaking performance-enhancing drugs
Got that dog in himDriven to succeed
3QThird quarter
HMPHalf marathon pace
PEDPerformance enhancing drug
HGHHuman growth hormone
Circle buttonSpin move
Four-peatWinning a championship four times in a row
Hot cornerThird base
SouthpawLeft-handed pitcher
HomerHometown sports fan
JamTo pitch near a batter's hands
MNFMonday Night Football
OROYOffensive Rookie of the Year
RPIRatings Percentage Index
He's himHe is impressive
E1Error made by the pitcher
Alley oopA pass to a teammate who puts the ball in the basket
Blowing a raspberryMaking a jeering noise
Pick-sixAn interception returned for a touchdown
In the holeBatting third
Touch em allHome run
GIDPGround into double play
NPNumber of pitches
TPATotal plate appearances
GRSLGrand Slams
Table setterA player who gets on base so other hitters can hit him in
Frozen ropeLine drive baseball hit
IBBIntentional bases on balls
OFAOutfield assists
RFRange factor
PBPassed balls
AOFly outs
Tush pushA play where the quarterback is pushed to gain yards
4QFourth quarter
Golden SlamTennis Grand Slam and the Olympics gold medal
Super SlamTennis Grand Slam and Year-End Championship
2QSecond quarter
PAPlate appearances
Backdoor sliderA pitch that breaks over the plate
WhiffSwinging strikeout
ParNumber of strokes to complete a golf course hole
BirdieOne stroke under par
Coast to coastThe entire length of a playing field
CGSOComplete game shutout
Nineteenth holeGolf clubhouse bar
ReloadTo take another shot after a bad shot
NukedHit a golf ball a great distance
Nip itHit a golf ball cleanly
Amelia EarhartGolf shot that looks good but you can't find
Back-door puttPutt that spins around a hole and drops in
Red zoneArea between the 20-yard line and the goal line
Danny DeVitoFive foot putt
SquirrelTee shot into the rough
NutmegKicking the ball between an opponent's legs
BreakoutA player who performs surprisingly well
Mock draftSimulated draft
Bare lieA golf ball laying directly on the ground
Tight lieA golf ball laying directly on the ground
ThrowingLosing a winnable game on purpose
Double eagleThree strokes under par
ForeWatch out
Go deepRun a route far downfield
HandicapNumerical score that represents a golfer's ability
Ready golfGolfers hit when ready
Inward nineLast nine holes of an 18-hole golf course
RB2Second starting fantasy running back
QB2Second starting fantasy quarterback
WR2Second starting fantasy wide receiver
WR3Third starting fantasy wide receiver
FPGFantasy points per game
YACYards after catch
prkPosition rank
MossedCatching a football over another player
VARVideo assistant referee
ILInjured list
WOATWorst of all time
WorkA scripted event
Worked shootA scripted event that contains unscripted elements
Olympic grandmaAn old female Olympian
SmarkA fan who knows pro wrestling is scripted
TweenerA wrestler who is neither hero nor villain
BallinPlaying sports well
Take the LTake the loss
BricklayerA basketball player who is shooting a lot of bricks
FMVPFinals Most Valuable Player
AEWAll Elite Wrestling
SwishA made shot in basketball that hits only the net
DowntownBeyond the 3-point line
SplashA made shot that only touches the basketball net
Making it rainHitting 3-point shots
FlopAn exaggerated fall
Air ballA missed shot that doesn't hit the rim or backboard
BucketA made basketball shot
Ice coldShooting poorly
Double-doubleAchieving double digits in two categories in a basketball game
Clean sheetShutout
DSTDefense and Special Teams
OTBOff the board
NWONew World Order
RibbyRun batted in
CGComplete games
EREarned runs
Line driveHard hit baseball in the air
Texas LeaguerWeak fly ball hit to the outfield
OBPOn-base Percentage
DROYDefensive Rookie of the Year
RopeLine drive baseball hit
sacSacrifice bunts
GOGround outs
Bogey golfLevel of golf play that equals 1 shot over par
ChunkA golf shot that makes a divot
Fat shotA golf shot that takes a chunk out of the ground
The turnHalfway point of a round of golf
Outward nineFirst nine holes of an 18-hole golf course
DoglegA golf hole with a fairway that bends
Dogleg leftA golf hole with a fairway that has a bend to the left
ffbFantasy football
Sham bombA breaking report by Shams Charania
ShootAn unscripted event

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