Orange juice
I usually have OJ with breakfast
Scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and OJ is my fav meal

Related Slang
G2GGS2D | Got to go get something to drink |
Brenner | Breakfast for dinner |
Brepper | Breakfast for supper |
Num | Tasty |
BK | Burger King |
Foodie | A person who loves food |
Food coma | Tired feeling after eating a lot of food |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
Fanum tax | Taking food from a friend |
IDTT | I'll drink to that |
Pop | A carbonated soft drink |
OJ is an essential item for making a delicious breakfast. But for some reason, it is one of the only juices that gets an acronym (e.g., apple juice is not "AJ," grape juice is not "GJ," etc.).
Since OJ is so common, you may see or hear OJ in various contexts, whether it's in person, when messaging online, or when texting. For example, your sibling may say, "Please pass the OJ." Or, you might text your spouse, " Can you pick up some OJ on your way back from work. I'm gonna make some mimosas for the brunch tomorrow morning."