Outkick Your Coverage
To have a romantic partner who is much more attractive than you
Is that your wife?
Wow, you sure outkicked your coverage!
I know, I'm a lucky man

Related Slang
Date ladder | A person you date to make yourself seem more desirable |
bf | Boyfriend |
gf | Girlfriend |
ship | Relationship |
Relationship goals | An admirable relationship |
Trophy wife | An attractive wife of an older man |
Trophy husband | An attractive husband |
Outkick your coverage is a phrase that refers to when you are dating someone who is much more attractive than you. The phrase comes from American football - in which a punter may kick a ball too far down the field, past his coverage team, allowing the opposing player who receives the ball to slip through gaps in the coverage. When used in a romantic sense, the phrase implies you managed to snatch up a person who is "out of your league."
The person who is "out of your league" may be more physically attractive, have a better personality, or have more money than you. They may also possess a combination of all those traits. When someone says you outkicked your coverage, it's not necessarily meant as a dis. It may, in fact, be a compliment on your ability to snag an appealing partner.