What does PFB mean in messages?

Please find below

In emails, people may use "PFB" to direct recipients' attention to something further down the message, such as a section of text or attached image, video, document, etc. You will likely see PFB in emails (similar to PFA), but you may also see it in messages, including IMs and DMs.

For example, your coworker may email you a rough draft of a business proposal she wants you to review and write, "PFB—my introductory paragraph. Please review and send suggestions." Or, your sister may message you, "I attached 5 photos. PFB. LMK which photo you want to use in the program."


I'm working on designs for the webpage (PFB), can you let me know which ones you like?
For sure!
You will likely see PFB in emails and other types of messages.
You will likely see PFB in emails and other types of messages.

Related Slang


Updated April 2, 2024

PFB definition by

This page explains what the acronym "PFB" means. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the team.

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