Direct message

Related Slang
DM slide | Direct message to a crush |
Slide into your DMs | To send a direct message on Twitter |
PM | Private message |
emsg | Email Message |
CYM | Check your messages |
IM | Instant message |
MMB | Message me back |
msg | Message |
Creeper | A socially invasive person |
DOM | Dirty old man |
Those who play first-person shooters (FPS) use DM to mean "deathmatch." In deathmatch games, players score points by killing other players.
Typically, DMs are multiplayer free-for-alls, in which the player who kills the other players the most number of times wins. However, several DM variants exist, including team DMs (in which players are grouped into teams) and survival DMs (in which the goal is not to score as many kills as possible, but to be the last player standing).
DMs end either when a player scores the number of kills needed to win the match (often referred to as a frag limit) or when the match's timer runs out. Most good PvP FPSes include a deathmatch mode, as do some real-time strategy (RTS) games.

Related Slang
FPS | First-person shooter |
FFA | Free for all |
MOBA | Multiplayer online battle arena |
RTS | Real-time strategy |
PvP | Player versus player |
frag | Player kill |
PK | Player kill |
KDR | Kill death ratio |
Dungeon Master
DM stands for "Dungeon Master" in the popular Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy role-playing game (RPG). The DM organizes the game, which includes creating challenges in an adventure campaign and narrating scenarios the players have to work through.
The dungeon master is the most important aspect of D&D gameplay since he is responsible for setting up all the details of the game and bringing it to life for the players. DMs must be well-versed in all of the rules and nuances of D&D since they act as a referee as they guide players' actions on the adventures. They may also need to explain the rules of the game for D&D noobs.
Typically, D&D is played in-person at one of the players' homes. However, other environments have been used for gameplay, including online chatrooms, Zoom video conference calls, and the popular platform.
An eager DM looking for some more D&D
Related Slang
D&D | Dungeons and Dragons |
AD&D | Advanced Dungeons and Dragons |
RPG | Role-playing game |
PC | Player character |
TPK | Total Party Kill |
Neckbeard | Nerd |
YRAG | You are a geek |
Doctor of Medicine
An acronym that is a variation of the more popular MD acronym, which is used as a title for doctors of medicine in the United States; commonly used in India to refer to the prestigious degrees earned by students in fields, such as Neurology, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, and Neuroanaesthesia.
Related Slang
MD | Medical doctor |
UNADR | You need a doctor |
CCU | Critical care unit |
ICU | Intensive care unit |
ITU | Intensive treatment unit |
Rx | Prescription |
meds | Medications |
OTC | Over-the-counter |
Do me
DM is an aggressive command that is meant to signal to another person that he or she wants to be physically intimate with them. It is typically used online and in text messages.
DM is a coded way for teenagers and young adults to express their willingness to engage physically. This may be due to sneaking around their parents' monitoring or because they find it less awkward to initiate as a code instead of typing it out.
Other terms and acronyms utilized to initiate physical intimacy include DTF, CU46, HU, FWB, and Netflix and chill. Regardless of the situation, it is important that participating parties give consent.
Related Slang
DTF | Down to f*** |
CU46 | See you for sex |
ASL | Age, sex, location |
IWU | I want you |
AYFT | Are you free today? |
LMA | Leave me alone |
Netflix and chill | Hook up |
HU | Hook up |
DM is a social media acronym that means "direct message". It refers to a Twitter or Instagram message sent directly to a follower.
A DM may also be called a "private message" or simply "message." People often use the DM feature to communicate with others about a sensitive matter with information such as contact info or sexually suggestive messages. However, you should be careful what you DM since recipients could use it to blackmail you someday. Just ask James Franco.