I saw the "Attn: Jane in HR" email subject and knew it would be brutal
Agreed. He probably should have had a one-on-one with her instead of including us in the exchange

Related Slang
BAO | Be aware of |
BOT | Be on that |
emsg | Email Message |
msg | Message |
em | |
ema | Email address |
SAE | Stamped addressed envelope |
SASE | Self-addressed stamped envelope |
MOTD | Message of the day |
CME | Checking my email |
CYM | Check your mail |
LM | Letters mailed |
YGM | You've got mail |
addy | Address |
IRL | In real life |
Attn is an abbreviation meant to capture the reader's attention or direct a message to a specific recipient. Typically, you will see attn online, in messages and emails, and on pieces of mail.
For example, a Twitter user may begin a tweet with "Attn" and follow it with the username of a Twitter user they want to read the tweet. Or, you might see "ATTN" in the subject of an email or the header of a message to grab the reader's attention.
In real life (IRL), you might see "ATTN" on letters or packages directing them to specific recipients. For example, if you want a letter to go to "John Doe" at a business, you would write "ATTN: John Doe" above the business delivery address.