Rank hath its privileges
Sure, RHIP, but privates always get to eat first!
On other islands, however, RHIP
Related Slang
FUBAR | Fouled up beyond all recognition |
EOL | End of life |
BLUF | Bottom line up front |
COC | Code of conduct |
CMA | Cover my a** |
CF | Cluster f*** |
FOUO | For official use only |
MOH | Medal of Honor |
SNAFU | Situation normal, all fouled up |
SWAG | Scientific wild a** guess |
In the U.S. military and other arenas where rank is a BD, RHIP stands for "rank hath its privileges." This semi-meritocratic acronym is most often used by those of high status, to justify the privileges and superior treatment they enjoy.
For example, in the U.S. Army, a private is likely to clean more toilets and pick up more cigarette butts than a lieutenant or captain, because RHIP. Higher-ranking officers, however, also have increased pressures and responsibilities to deal with, which is part of why they enjoy increased privileges.