Are you in?
RUN for lunch this afternoon?
I'd love to go running!
That ... is not what I meant
RUN means "are you in"
Related Slang
RU | Are you |
RUC | Are you coming? |
RUB | Are you back |
RUS | Are you serious |
RUT | Are you there? |
RUOK | Are you OK? |
RUFR | Are you for real? |
HRU | How are you |
RUN stands for "are you in." Friends, co-workers, and family members use this acronym to ask whether their peers will be joining them for an event.
However, because RUN looks like the word run, this acronym might confuse those unfamiliar with it. Someone who receives the message "RUN 4 a run l8r 2nite?," for example, may be left scratching their head, wondering why you want to trade runs with them (as well as how that would even work).