Thinking about you
Just wanted you to know that I'm TAY!
Thx! Miss you! Let's do lunch soon
It's always nice to receive TAY
Related Slang
TAU | Thinking about you |
TOU | Thinking of you |
TOY | Thinking of you |
143 | I love you |
BTWITIILWY | By the way, I think I'm in love with you |
Ts and Ps | Thoughts and prayers |
Tots and pears | Thoughts and prayers |
mishu | Miss you |
If someone is thinking of you, they may send "TAY" to you in a message. For example, if you haven't seen your friend in a while, they may send you a text out of the blue that says, "TAY. We need to do something soon!"
While people may send it when missing a person, they often send it to others experiencing something challenging or discouraging, such as the death of a family member or a breakup. Because of this, people commonly associate TAY with prayers.
Most people appreciate receiving TAY in a message because it's nice to know, especially if they are thinking about the person who sent the message. However, if you receive TAY from a creeper, you will probably be weirded out.