Taking clothes out of dryer
If I don't reply right away it's because I am TCOOD
A man who is waiting to TCOOD
Related Slang
PCID | Putting clothes in dryer |
DL | Doing Laundry |
GTL | Gym, Tan, Laundry |
BBIAB | Be back in a bit |
BRB | Be right back |
AFK | Away from keyboard |
BAK | Back at keyboard |
JAM | Just a minute |
G2P | Got to pee |
AYT | Are you there? |
TCOOD stands for "taking clothes out of dryer." This incredibly-specific variant of AFK is used by those who are just ... about ... finished DL (doing laundry).
If their dryer is close, the person who sent you TCOOD may be BAK in just a few minutes. However, if they're an OCD person who must immediately fold and put away their clothes, it could be a while ...