Thank you for asking
I heard about your dog. How are you doing?
Absolutely terrible, but TYFA
TYFA stands for "thank you for asking"
Related Slang
TY | Thank you |
NTY | No thank you |
HRU | How are you |
WRUD | What are you doing |
Y2K | You're too kind |
YMMD | You made my day |
YW | You're welcome |
They thought you hadn't noticed. They thought you would never ask. That's why the person you're chatting with sent you TYFA - because they're glad you asked them a question.
While most people use TYFA sincerely, some use it sarcastically, to denote that they wish you hadn't asked whatever question you just asked. You should be able to tell which type of TYFA you've received by the tenor of the messages that follow it.