You there?
Hey, UT?
Yeah, I just got back to my computer. W^?
A man who is about to send "UT?"
Related Slang
WRU | Where are you |
WTFAY | Where the f*** are you? |
WYA | Where you at? |
DGA | Don't go anywhere |
WHYBATT | Where have you been all this time |
GT2T | Got time to talk |
AFK | Away from keyboard |
When someone sends "UT?" in a chat or text message, they want to know whether you're there. Most likely, this person wants to talk to you (and may have been trying to for some time).
While it's polite to answer when someone sends "UT?," you don't always have to start a full conversation with them. If you're bz, just say you don't have time to talk now, and you'll get back to them later. However, if the matter is an emergency, you may want to make time to have a conversation.